About Pyreg Inc.

PYREG is the worldwide leading plant manufacturer and solution provider for the recycling of biogenic residues into valuable biochar using a patented carbonization technology.

PYREG systems “close the loop”. The German company, founded in 2009, is committed to its acknowledgment that carbonaceous residuals are no waste, but a valuable resource. PYREG is the market leader in the carbonization of organic waste (biomass, sewage sludge, etc.) into valuable biochar and at the same time providing renewable energy.

During the pyrolysis process, the majority of the carbon is sequestered in the resulting biochar, thereby inhibiting the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, for centuries. Biochar production is a BCR (Biochar Carbon Removal) technology: Left in the soil or used in other durable material applications, this biochar creates a carbon sink.

All PYREG plants are certified by the voluntary industry EBC-standard, designed to ensure harmonized and verifiable standards for climate-protective biochar production: Using the PYREG Standard System PX 1500, an average output of 900 tons of biochar can be produced every year. Incorporated into the soil as a soil improver, this can sequester as much CO₂ per year as 85.000 trees. This sequestered CO2 amount can be certified and used either to achieve sustainable corporate goals (CSR) or to trade them as Carbon Sink Certificates (CORCs) on the open market.

In April 2022, PYREG announced its plans for further expansion, in the USA, establishing both sales and technical service support for this growing market segment.


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Marine Trade Center 2 Portland Fish Pier, Suite 213 Portland, ME ME 04101


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